Posts by Reverend

110 of 38 items

‘Cannabis burned during worship’ by ancient Israelites

by Reverend

Ancient Israelites burned cannabis as part of their religious rituals, an archaeological study has found. A well-preserved substance found in a 2,700-year-old temple in Tel Arad has been identified as cannabis, including its psychoactive compound THC. Researchers concluded that cannabis may have been burned in order to induce a high among worshippers. This is the […]

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Rule 115

by Reverend

Rule 115. The dead must be disposed of in a respectful manner and their graves respected and properly maintained. Practice Volume II, Chapter 35, Section D. Summary State practice establishes this rule as a norm of customary international law applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts. International armed conflicts The obligation to dispose of […]

Burial rights

by Reverend

Our modern society seems to have difficulty addressing the issue of dying and death and that fact is reflected in many of our institutions and words used to describe the very natural act of dying. One “passes away” or “is in everlasting sleep.” Our instructions as to when to let people die is called a […]


by Reverend

Phytoremediation technologies use living plants to clean up soil, air and water contaminated with hazardous contaminants.[1] It is defined as “the use of green plants and the associated microorganisms, along with proper soil amendments and agronomic techniques to either contain, remove or render toxic environmental contaminants harmless”.[2] The term is an amalgam of the Greek phyto (plant) and Latin remedium (restoring balance). Although attractive […]

Human Urine as a Fertilizer?

by Reverend

What’s in urine? Urine, 95% of which is water, 2.5% of which is urea, and 2.5% of which is a mixture of minerals, salts, hormones, and enzymes, is not a toxic waste product. Urine is a blood byproduct and though it contains some body waste, it is non-toxic. In 1975, Dr. A.H. Free, published his […]


by Reverend

Bioremediation broadly refers to any process wherein a biological system (typically bacteria, microalgae, fungi in mycoremediation, and plants in phytoremediation), living or dead, is employed for removing environmental pollutants from air, water, soil, flue gasses, industrial effluents etc., in natural or artificial settings.[1] The natural ability of organisms to adsorb, accumulate, and degrade common and emerging pollutants has attracted […]


by Reverend

Mycoremediation (from ancient Greek μύκης (mukēs), meaning “fungus” and the suffix -remedium, in Latin meaning ‘restoring balance’) is a form of bioremediation in which fungi-based remediation methods are used to decontaminate the environment.[1] Fungi have been proven to be a cheap, effective and environmentally sound way for removing a wide array of contaminants from damaged environments or wastewater. These contaminants include heavy metals, organic pollutants, textile dyes, leather tanning chemicals and wastewater, petroleum […]

Hemp “Eats” Chernobyl Waste, Offers Hope For Hanford

by Reverend

Winter 1998-99 by Elaine Charkowski Central Oregon Green Pages An explosion at a nuclear reactor on April 26th, 1986 in Chernobyl, Ukraine created the world’s worst nuclear disaster – so far. The blast heavily contaminated agricultural lands in a 30 km radius around the reactor. The few people still living there must monitor their food […]

History of Manufacture in the United States 1929

by Reverend

1. Clark, V.S., History of Manufacture in the United States, McGraw Hill, NY  1929, Pg. 33-34. Colonial Legislation Affecting Manufactures 33 BOUNTIES, PREMIUMS, AND SUBSIDIES ON RAW MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURES. Among the most prominent colonial laws relating to manufactures, were those providing bounties, premiums, and subsidies. Bounties, which were the most common, applied properly to […]

qadosh meshiahh tsadiyq beriyt

by Reverend

When we use the word holy, as in a holy person, we usually associate this with a righteous or pious person. If we use this concept when interpreting the word holy in the Hebrew Bible then we are misreading the text as this is not the meaning of the Hebrew word qadosh. Qadosh literally means […]